Date: Friday, November 30, 2007
Time: 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM (Check-in begins at 11:30 AM)
Location: Business Networking Center649 Walnut Street, Cary, NC
Cost: FREE - No Registration Required. AND please register!
About the presenation:
Finding Our Fire:
The Book and the Process
A presentation by Martin Brossman
Raleigh success coach and trainer, Martin Brossman, has recently published his first book, Finding Our Fire: Enhancing men’s connection to heart, passion & strength (http://www.findingourfire.com/ ). Inspired by the unique men’s discussion group he founded, The Men’s Inquiry, the book took on a stirring life of its own when more than 100 men sent compelling responses to the questions gleaned from the Inquiry meetings. The questions were posed to them via the internet and in person. Though Brossman originally did not assume his book would speak to all, the subject matter has proven to be unlimited in its appeal to men and women, regardless of environment. Readers are commenting about the book’s impact:
The Book and the Process
A presentation by Martin Brossman
Raleigh success coach and trainer, Martin Brossman, has recently published his first book, Finding Our Fire: Enhancing men’s connection to heart, passion & strength (http://www.findingourfire.com/ ). Inspired by the unique men’s discussion group he founded, The Men’s Inquiry, the book took on a stirring life of its own when more than 100 men sent compelling responses to the questions gleaned from the Inquiry meetings. The questions were posed to them via the internet and in person. Though Brossman originally did not assume his book would speak to all, the subject matter has proven to be unlimited in its appeal to men and women, regardless of environment. Readers are commenting about the book’s impact:
“This is a remarkable book...It provides a mirror for a man to perhaps see what he never saw clearly before and share that insight with his fellow man. It is also a celebration of life--by opening up and expressing concerns, issues and experiences….It surely expresses the brotherhood of man and provides a new and invaluable insight for women to better comprehend and better share relations with each other and the men in their lives.”
-Tom Wagner, Retired Executive
-Tom Wagner, Retired Executive
“In Finding Our Fire, Martin Brossman gives from the very depth of his soul, from his fire. Turn the page and your fire will be sparked. Turn the next page and your heart will be opened. Turn the next page and you will find strength. Turn and turn, and you will be awakened to what is alive in you! For both men and women, Finding Our Fire will stimulate the best in you and open your world to a deeper connection with the energy needed to create a more harmonious future!” -Carolyn R. Craft, Host “Waking Up with Carolyn Craft” on Sirius Satellite Radio 114
“What I liked most about your book is the “real” quality of it. It was not top-heavy with a bunch of psychology stuff which is only important to psychologists and medical people and means nothing to the guy who has the problem…Your cases are still breathing with me and I often catch myself wanting to ask questions directly to the people in these case stories. I don’t know why our education system hasn’t picked up on the value of your work. It is obvious to me that we are missing a whole major culture activity with our sons and fathers and husbands and single men. What an oversight!” - Alan Schlukbier, Systems Analyst
“What I liked most about your book is the “real” quality of it. It was not top-heavy with a bunch of psychology stuff which is only important to psychologists and medical people and means nothing to the guy who has the problem…Your cases are still breathing with me and I often catch myself wanting to ask questions directly to the people in these case stories. I don’t know why our education system hasn’t picked up on the value of your work. It is obvious to me that we are missing a whole major culture activity with our sons and fathers and husbands and single men. What an oversight!” - Alan Schlukbier, Systems Analyst
“A gift from a dedicated leader in personal growth, particularly the development of the healthy male ego, “Finding Our Fire” is a must read for psychotherapists, life coaches and anyone interested in the wounding and healing of the male psyche.”-Barry K. Selman, LCSW
Author Martin Brossman will present the intriguing back story of Finding Our Fire and the effect it has had. He will also share some of his dynamic coaching strategy that we can apply right now to “find our fire” and re-spark our mission in life. Martin can be reached at Martin@CoachingSupport.com (919) 847-4757
Author Martin Brossman will present the intriguing back story of Finding Our Fire and the effect it has had. He will also share some of his dynamic coaching strategy that we can apply right now to “find our fire” and re-spark our mission in life. Martin can be reached at Martin@CoachingSupport.com (919) 847-4757