Martin presents at the Wild and Wacky Women's group today: his talk "What's New About Men That Women Want to Know." He was honored to be the first man to present to this group since it's start.
The Announcement that was sent out to the group:
It's time for our First Saturday gathering THIS Saturday, April 5th, 11:15am! We have secured a FABULOUS NEW RESTAURANT in North Raleigh:
This place is perfect for a Wacky Gathering! Gianni and Gaitano's Tratoria has a HUGE Meeting area on the second floor with lots of space for all of our members, our guests as well as plenty of room for our Entrepreneurs.....
Announcing our Special Guest Speaker....
For the very first ever, we have invited a MALE
SPEAKER, Martin Brossman, to join us with an irresistible topic: "What's New About Men ... That Women Want to Know." Martin is the Director of Martin Brossman and Associates, an organization committed to supporting people in living lives they love. ....Check out his bio at
http://www.coachingsupport.com/bio.htm. Call your girlfriends, forward this message, post this on the office bulletin board! This is a presentation you won't want to miss! In order to adequately prepare for wait staff, PLEASE RSVP by NOON This FRIDAY to
debharrellmeehan@aol.com or by calling me at 919.333.3914
To learn more about the talk it:
This should be a great crowd and a wonderful opportunity for our entrepreneurs
to show off their products and services!
Saturday's Agenda:
11:15am - 12Noon Networking, shopping, socializing
12Noon Be Seated and Order Lunch
Noon Till 12:20pm Introduction of Guests and New Members
Optional 60 Second Commercial for attending members
Old Business: Final Total for the 2008 Bachelor Bid for Charity (the numbers
continue to climb!)
New Business: Wild and Wacky Google Group - YOU can post your profile and photo,
etc. Visible to MEMBERS ONLY! Must have Google Password (you assign)
Ride for the Cure - Saturday, April 19 Butterfly Life (see flyer)
Seeking Third Thursday Venue for April! (4/17)
Things Under Consideration:
Forming a less formal, but supportive Men's Group (I have an idea!)
Forming a W5 Golf Group
Anyone for Bridesmaids Bowling?
Martin Brossman, "What's New About Men ...
That Women Want to Know."
1:30pm Adjourn
Looking forward to seeing a record crowd this Saturday! Don't forget to RSVP if
you plan to attend!!!
Love to all~
Deborah Harrell Meehan
Founder and Original Wild and Wacky
If any women are interested in this group contact Deborah.