Martin Brossman is interviewed on
"Dads on the Air" - Sydney, Australia
Click here to hear the Interview with
Martin Brossman
(or here for an shorter version can be downloaded)
"Dads on the Air" - Sydney, Australia
Click here to hear the Interview with
Martin Brossman
(or here for an shorter version can be downloaded)
Local Sydney Time: 10.30am to 12 midday Tuesday 13th May 2008
USA Eastern time: 8.30pm to 10pm Monday 12th May 2008
USA Pacific time: 5.30pm to 7pm Monday 12th May 2008
UK GMT time: 12.30am to 2am Monday night (Tuesday morning) 12th May 2008
USA Eastern time: 8.30pm to 10pm Monday 12th May 2008
USA Pacific time: 5.30pm to 7pm Monday 12th May 2008
UK GMT time: 12.30am to 2am Monday night (Tuesday morning) 12th May 2008
2GLF FM 89.3 in Sydney
and ONLINE via live streaming at http://www.893fm.com.au
or in MP3 format at http://www.dadsontheair.net
and ONLINE via live streaming at http://www.893fm.com.au
or in MP3 format at http://www.dadsontheair.net
With Special Guests:
- Peter Denman
- Martin Brossman
- Dr Elizabeth Celi.
From Learner Dads to finding your own inner Mr Invincible, Dads On The Air is covering a lot of ground this week. First up we talk with Peter Denman who has set up a website, is running workshops and has published a book for first time dads. As we all know, becoming a father for the first time can all come as a bit of a shock! After that we talk with Martin Brossman from the US. He runs a series of men's groups and is the author of Finding Our Fire. We close the show with Dr Elizabeth Celi, author of the just-published Regular Joe vs Mr Invincible: The Battle for the True Man.
If you missed last week's program with the new Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick, don't forget you can listen to our past programs online at www.dadsontheair.net. If you haven't tuned in for a while, we're now a much more entertaining and broad-ranging program than ever before, and this week is no exception.
Peter Denman writes:
Going to be a father for the first time? Scared? Clueless? Not sure what to expect? It's enough to make a daddy-to-be drink! Enter the new, research-based, father-focused LEARNER DAD workshops. Designed and developed by qualified male counsellor and father, Peter Denman, LEARNER DAD workshops provide first time dads with practical information, advice and support in the most comfortable, non-judgemental, dad-friendly environment- the pub! Having a baby is one of life's most stressful events and most new dads are unprepared for the adventure that lies ahead. With so much emphasis on the needs of mother and baby, dads-to-be are often forgotten and sometimes receive little or no specific support. Let's face it, they're unlikely to read parenting books and often don't take much away from antenatal classes.
Denman hopes to fill this noticeable gap in parent education and complement existing antenatal classes by holding his LEARNER DAD workshops in local pubs close to maternity hospitals. The open discussion workshops address small groups and are facilitated by Denman - an engaging presenter and father who is experienced in helping people navigate life transitions.
LEARNER DAD focuses on key issues in the first 6 months from a father's perspective, helping new dads understand what parenthood is really like so they can enjoy fulfilling relationships with their partner and children.
"Most new dads are completely unprepared for the lifestyle and relationship changes that occur post-birth", explains Denman. "Research shows that the birth of the first child is the most difficult transition for most couples. Antenatal classes are great for preparing couples for the birth, but there is limited information to support new dads when their partner and baby return home from hospital and they begin the juggle and demands of work and home life."
The workshops cover topics such as postnatal depression, work/life balance, relationship conflict, time management and change, all from a father's perspective. They are currently being held in Sydney pubs with interstate workshops coming soon. Denman adds, "Investing in just a few hours at a LEARNER DAD workshop can give dads the confidence to enjoy those first 6 months of parenthood. The bottom line is that involved and equipped fathers are better able to support their partner and bond with their child."
The concept launches on Saturday, May 17th with its first workshop at the AB Hotel in Glebe and bookings are currently being accepted via the LEARNER DAD website. Of course, mums, grandparents and mates are welcome to buy dads a workshop gift! As well as receiving a relaxed and informative educational and social experience, every dad gets a free beer! Can't argue with that! www.learnerdad.com.au.
We then move on to US author Martin Brossman, talking about his new book Finding Our Fire - Enhancing men's connection to heart, passion and strength.
You can find out more at:
He writes:
Finding Our Fire is based on the Men's Inquiry Group which has been meeting monthly in person and on-line for over 10 years. In the Inquiry meetings, men explored questions about their lives that give new insights and new actions to take. The meetings have inspired men to enhance their relationships with their families, improve their jobs, and resolve old issues in their lives that previously held them back. Questions explored in the Men's Inquiry have included: What does it mean to be a man today? How do you discover your purpose in life and live it while providing for your family? What type of son were you to your father? How do you keep love and passion alive in a long-term relationship? The book is a multi-purpose tool: it can simply enhance the individual reader's life, or it can serve to facilitate the formation of a men's group to support ongoing growth on a broader scale. It also provides a much-needed impartial window into the inner world of men that seems to improve women's understanding of men and men's understanding of themselves. The compelling questions have had a powerful impact on the men whose responses are included in the book, and many of those who have seen preview chapters are looking forward to enthusiastically using the questions in their men's workshops and seminars across the country.
And next, Dr Elizabeth Celi, author of Regular Joe Versus Mr Invincible: The Battle For The True Man.
Dr. Elizabeth Celi is a privately practicing psychologist, speaker and author. After six years working in a private psychiatric hospital helping people hospitalized with chronic depression and anxiety, she has since incorporated her knowledge and skills with clients in private practice for 5 years, before their symptoms become so disabling. As a qualified personal fitness trainer, Elizabeth advocates for exercise and other pro-active activities to help reduce the risk of frustrations, irritability and withdrawal before it creates a risk for depression and anxiety. Especially with our modern day stresses in society and families posing more challenges to deal with. Her work with men and women experiencing relationship difficulties highlighted the disadvantage men were at in expressing their opinions and getting their point across to their partners. Women always seemed to get more in more often! She'd often have to ask the female partner to wait a moment while he got his answer in, uninterrupted.
Managing this on the one on one level with individuals and couples, while effective, was simply not enough for Elizabeth, who could clearly see the internal battle that men have between their Regular Joe and Mr Invincible, who simply didn't know any other way to cope. Having the time and insight to support men who really wanted to be their own True Man as a husband, partner, father, provider, brother and friend, Elizabeth was driven to raise awareness on a larger scale to help more men remember their strengths and help more women appreciate those strengths. This drive gave birth to her book, Regular Joe vs. Mr Invincible - The Battle for the True Man. Her book helps women learn how to support men more and helps men step back into the game with confidence. Advocating for men and their valuable place in our society and families at the recent Men and Fathers' Health Forum at Parliament House in March, Elizabeth continues to push for a National Men's Health Policy so that the value of men and their ability to look after their own health reminds all of Australia about men's strengths and abilities.
To see the other posting on The Men's Inquiry Blog goto: http://toinquire.blogspot.com/
To see the other posting on The Men's Inquiry Blog goto: http://toinquire.blogspot.com/